So sorry we will no longer have available at our store or online smoked bacon and smoked hams sorry for the inconvenience also Taylor cheeses have been discontinued.

The Garfield's Process

There’s something about the rich aroma of our New Hampshire hardwood and cob smoked meats and cheese that draws people to the kitchen faster than most anything else.

Our cob and hardwood small batch pepperoni is carefully smoked for an extra smokey flavor. Our cheeses are cold smoked until the signature Garfield's hearty and bold old fashioned smoked flavor is achieved.

Whether a featured ingredient in a savory dish or crisply seared on its own, our products are some of the best you’ll ever try.

We have made the tough decision to stop smoking hams and bacon. The USDA changed the guidelines which made our very special smoking process not possible anymore. Sorry for the inconvenience, but they will no longer be available online or in our shop.

We have made up some new gift boxes and hopefully you will find a yummy combination of products that will work for your gift giving needs for the holidays. We will be offering a breakfast box for pick up in our shop for the holidays featuring our ground spiced pork sausage- which is not smoked but still my grandfather's original recipe- this will replace the bacon and ham.

Please support local!!! Thank you- Liz & Bill Taylor

Hours & Location

163 Main Street

Meriden, NH 03770

New Winter Hours




